Friday, November 30, 2018

Natural treatment for HIV/AIDS


HIV/AIDS virus attack on host cell which is CD4 cell.In this article we see natural ways to increase CD4 count in our body.

Natural way to increase CD4 count

  • The CD4 count is like a snapshot of how well your immune system is functioning. CD4 cells (also known as CD4+ T cells) are white blood cells that fight infection. The more you have, the better. These are the cells that HIV kills. As HIV infection progresses, the number of these cells declines. When the CD4 count drops below 200 due to advanced HIV disease, a person is diagnosed with AIDS. A normal range for CD4 cells is between 600 and 1,500.

  • Here we see some natural way to increase cd4 count

  • Zink

  • Zink is the most important component of an enzyme of cd4  cell. This mineral deficiency starts to reduce the number of white cells in the body. So, incorporate zinc into your diet. Zinc is useful for meat, fish and milk intake. Crab, scallops and red meats also have a very good zinc.
  • Vitamin c

  • Vitamin C controls the cholesterol in the blood. Vitamin C helps to work properly on the cd4 cell and increases their number, making the immune system even stronger and helping to fight any kind of infection. Vitamin C is abundant in fruits, green vegetables, tomatoes, capsicum, juicy and sour fruits.
  • Green tea

  • Green tea has the most amount of anti-oxidant and also does not have a calorie bill total. Green T also contains anti-oxidant other than vitamin C and poliphinal which strengthens the immune system by eliminating bacteria in the body and also whites a fighting cell.
  • Garlic
  • Garlic has a considerable antioxidant, which gives our immune system the strength to fight diseases. It also contains an element called Elisin that helps the body infection and fight bacteria. Using garlic in everyday food prevents stomach ulcers and cancer and also increases the number of white cell. The study of the 2002 found that whiteing the penis promotes the ability to fight cell infections, and also stimulates other immune cells.
  • Yogurt

  • Everyday intake of yogurt the ability to fight the body's ailments and the increase number of cd4 cells. Yogurt has a high amount of calcium compared to milk. The bacteria and nutrients present in yogurt work as an antibiotic for the body, and also provide the ability to fight diseases.
  • Folic acid

  • Folic acid is required to make the body a white cell. and folic acid deficiency can also reduce the level of red blood cells with anemia. Increasing the amount of folic acid can help you. So incorporate spinach, beans, and citrus fruits into your diet.

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